Finding True Peace

True Peace is Found in Jesus Christ

The unrest, anxiety, and fear that faces us today is the result of living in a fallen world. God’s creation, including man, was perfect until sin entered into the world. From that moment on, suffering and death have plagued creation. Thankfully, God has offered the solution to the sin and evil that plague our world through the sacrificial death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.

When you receive the gift of salvation from God through Jesus Christ, you will receive true peace. It is the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.

Take some time and explore the pages on this site. As you read, stop and ask God to reveal Himself to you.

We are here to help answer any questions you may have. Please reach out to us on this site or you can call one of our counselors at 833-KNOW HIM (833-566-9446).

What is the Good News of the Gospel?

The Good News

God loves you and wants a relationship with you

God created you to know Him and enjoy His presence forever. This is why living a life apart from God never truly satisfies. Until you experience deep fellowship with God, there will always be an underlying sense of discontentment in your life that only He can satisfy.

The Problem

Your sin has separated you from God

We have all rebelled against God. This is called sin, and the consquences of our sin are serparation from God both now and forever. We cannot fix this barrier of separation ourselves - but God, in His love, has provided a way to restore our broken relationship with Him.

The Solution

God has provided a way back through Jesus Christ

God, in His love, has made a way for you to know Him and live with Him forever: His Son Jesus lives the life you could not live - a sinless life; He died the death you deserved - a sinner's death on a cross; and He rose from the dead to give you the life you never could have earned - eternity in heaven!

The Invitation

Will you come home to Him?

You cannot earn God's forgiveness; you can only receive it freely. To receive it freely, all God requires of you is to turn away from your old life and turn to Him, surrendering your life to Him.

You can respond to Jesus' offer of His true peace in 3 ways.

You can ignore it

You can pretend you never heard of Him. But you would be telling yourself a lie. And that won’t lead to true peace.

You can debate it

You can challenge His offer and substitute another approach. But that’s what you have already been doing. And it brought you here.

You can embrace it

You can accept the free gift of His life given for you and receive His peace.

Will You Accept the Good News and Receive Christ?

Start by praying:

"God, I know that I have been in rebellion against You and cannot save myself. Please forgive me and make me new. Thank You that You love me and sent Jesus to die for my sins. From this day forward, I turn away from my old way of living and receive Him as my Savior and Lord. Fill me with Your Spirit, that I might follow You and become Your child. I love You, I trust You, and I give You my life! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen."

Did you just pray that prayer?